
About us

The board of the foundation consists of unpaid volunteers. All board members have a professional connection with health care and in most cases with Africa.

The board currently consists of 4 members:

Emma Struis


I have been a member of the board of the Anna Poot Foundation since 2014 and chairperson since 2020. I have worked as a nurse in various healthcare sectors, both in the Netherlands and Africa. During my stay in Africa I also became a midwife. I am currently working as a GGZ Nurse Practitioner at GGZ Centraal and I am a teacher of Nursing at the HBOV of Avans University of Applied Sciences. I joined StAP to keep the connection to Africa with colleagues and students there, and also to give them the opportunity to become a nurse or midwife. In addition to my role as chair person, I am involved in fundraising.

Ellen Tromp


In the autumn of 2018, at the invitation of Emma Struis, I attended a StAP board meeting of , because a new treasurer had been sought for a long time. Uninhibitedly, without financial experience and without ‘Africa’ experience, I subsequently took over the duties of the former treasurer (Maarten van Dorp). I am good with numbers (I’m an epidemiologist) and I have a great affinity with ‘vulnerable’ groups (this is the focus area of ​​my work at the GGD. I also worked on a health project in Papua New Guinea and I am a volunteer for Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland).

Karen Spekhorst


As a nurse I worked in Africa for 10 years. During that time my heart started to beat faster for this continent where people remain positive despite all the struggles they encounter. In addition to my work as a nurse, I have been working in education for 30 years.

The vision that education gives people the means to shape their own lives makes me committed to the Anna Poot Foundation. It seems so obvious that you should receive an education, but expereince has shown me that this is often not the case. I also believe that by enabling a dialogue between nurses from different countries we can learn a lot from each other.

Arina van Mierlo

Since 1992 I have been working as a HBO nurse in mental health care. Since 2000 I have been combining my work as a nurse with that of a practical trainer/teacher of nursing and nurse specialists in mental health care. I do this at the GGZ in Breda and the Nursing Specialists training in Utrecht. At the end of 2019, after the anniversary conference ‘past, present and future’, I became a board member of the foundation. The vision and goal of StAP appeal to me. For me, the profession of nurse and midwife is inextricably linked to the practice of the people involved. In my opinion, the dialogue is essential and a beautiful aspect of the work, training and learning from and with each other.

StAP is an ANBI-registered foundation, which means that donations are fully tax-deductible. ANBI stands for Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling = a charity.

This is what we do

By contributing to nurses and midwives education in Kenia, Tanzania and Uganda, the foundation wants to promote